Thursday, June 18, 2009

After much time, some spent well, some completly out the window, periods of intense productivity followed immediatly by sevier laziness, i would like to keep this thing a little (but not at all entirly) relevent to my life.
I stuck it out in Minneapolis and eventually pled my seven charges down to one misdameaner disorderly conduct on time served with no fine. During these 4 months of judicial hang-ups I was a part of BarBones Halloween Puppet Theater, meet lots of sweet people, and enjoy Minneapolis.
Had a heck of a time getting back to Asheville, but my perminent record will speak for itself on that account.
Now, I am on a bike trip north. I've been traveling for a couple months and have been able to spend weeks in richmond, DC, baltimore, philidelphia, and now almost a week in binghamton. i planned on leaving today but the rain and my good friends Medusa and Miles convinced me not to. I'll be biking north to burlington, vt by myself and rejoining Cusi, a good friend i met in minneapolis who i have been biking with from asheville, nc (pictured above, all excited about a fire he kept going through an hour of rain). Here are some pictures i've finally gotten off my camera, maybe 40 of them spread over quite a lot of time and space, too much i would have like to document.
Thank you everyone who kept on me about writing here, but understand IM NOT MAKING ANY PROMISES.