Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

On this Tuesday, March 18, 2008 the Dali Lama threatened to resign, Gov. Paterson held a press conference to talk about the different affairs he and his wife have had the day after he steps in for Elliot Spitzer (who resigned after buying time with a prostitute after signing into law anti-prostitution laws that may be used against him), the Fed cut interest rates by 3/4 of a point to fend off the bear market, Fox news plays again and again old and new footage of Barack Obama's pastor Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright ranting against the racist state, the EU decides that China's murderous actions in Tibet to not justify boycotting the Beijing olympics, and perhaps I lost my great grandfathers ring. And then Barack Obama gives this speech:


Heck of a bunch of words. Lets hope some people were paying attention. I didn't vote for this guy in the primaries, but if we have to have somebody establishment in the white house, he might as well be able to put a couple sentences together. Its been a seedy, sordid, and foul smelling sort of day to give to reading and watching the news, but something about his speech blew across me like a not so nasty smelling sewer wafting over from the wrong side of the tracks.


Lima Bravo said...

you lost your grandfathers ring?
for shame! = /

LEXI said...

i found it