Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Its been too long old friend

I have slacked on this blog. It is true, and the world is not shocked.
I am back from Europe. I've been stateside long enough to help my father with his house, see friends along the east coast, and commit myself to a work trade agreement in a community house in Asheville. And then I went and got myself arrested here in Minneapolis. The coppers have accused me of barricading an intersection during the first day of the Republican National Convention. That was way back on the 1st of September, but here I still am. At the moment they are charging me with 3 or 4 misdemeanors (it fluctuates) and I have plead not-guilty to all of them. I didn't do anything wrong and they've got the wrong guy.
Money is running really short (especially because some heroes bailed me out for $1000), but I am staying with friends that I lived with in Barcelona and there is a Little Ceasers and an Aldis right down the street with decadent dumpsters. And the Food Not Bombs crew is tight tight tight.
My needs are being met, but I really hope a couple odd jobs will come threw for me soon (and it looks like they will). This place is so nice! But I wanna get back to Asheville and start the projects I said I would! All my stuff is in a bedroom I'm not doing worktrade for! What will happen if they actually take this thing to trail and try to screw me?
So that is the whats what of me now quickly. And you should all know that there are so many sweet people here doing so many sweet things. I've gotten to help a friend build a wood fired forge, be in a puppet show at the Bedlam Theater, jump off of a bridge into a creek, have a love affair (he left town this morning), play lots of badminton, and fight fascism.
I will write more on the RNC once this whole thing is legally cleared up for me. But I will try get more quick updates posted.
Love you all so much! Thanks specially to all of you who have really come threw and been suportive of me during all of this.

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